This is a really easy site to join, and it's free!! It allows you to save all of the awesome websites that you find. We all know that as we surf the web or bloghop stalk we find pages or links to places that we want to check out at a later date, but then forget where it was. This site allows you to "save to Draggo" and look at it later (similar to a bookmark) I decided to create a Math page and use it as a resource for my students to have learning games all in one place. They can access the page from home or school.
I saw this website on another person's blog, but can't for the life of me remember who (so if you read this and have already featured this website, email me and I will gladly give credit where credit is due)
Here is a screen shot of the Math page I am just beginning to form
If you use this the link below to look at the website and join, I get "bonus" points that help unlock new features--check it out for yourself.
Hi Debbie! I just happened upon your blog, and I'm excited to become your newest follower. As an ESL teacher who coteaches in the fifth grade classroom, I look forward to following your blog!
Crafting Connections
Me again! Did I mention how much I like your blog design?! I've nominated you for a Liebster award! See details at my blog.
Crafting Connections
Thanks for sharing! This is neato!